Friday, November 25, 2016

the most important thing you've learned in this class from the literature we read

I learned People back then had it harder than us. They had only to live or to die. It was almost like every man was for himself. You had the lituraterre heros as in the beginning of languages. Then we progressed to god and goddesses where they had all the power. Then lastly the new world where everyone was getting along and establishing boundaries.

Monday, November 7, 2016

World lit post on presidents

which of our current presidential candidates has the most firm ethical standards and which has the most relativistic and situational ethics. Which set of ethics is better for a president?
Hilary has more firm ethical standards. For instance she doesn't support abortion. Hilary has most situational ethics because her husband has already been in the position she in. Trump has more realistic perspective because he doesn't care what comes out his mouth. Ethical standards are needed more than situational ethics because you will be in control of a nation. Every situation won't be the same so you leave room for discrepancy.