Sunday, April 24, 2016

Post 24 compare and contrast colleagues view of women roles today

Jahai Canty  said "The role of women in the modern family in today life is equal to men. Women are still trying to challenge men to be there dominant but it is not the same. Women and men have the rights but men are often seen as the foundation of every thing in modern family life. The women are the care takers in the family."
Jaylen Pope said " The women in modern family life are traditional and dependent. They took care of the kids, cook, clean, and were obligated to stay in bubble meaning they did not have a say or option. Acting dumb and being beautiful was encouraged in society at that time. I think that women roles now is that they more independent and have more business drive. Today's women are doing things on their own meaning that they are not depending on the man to pay their bills or to take care of them." I agree with Jahai women are the care takers in the family. They both said the same thing worded differently. 

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