Thursday, March 24, 2016

Post 19 the images 2 colleagues' discussed in their posts and how we differ.

Jalen said  "In the poem Phenomenal Woman by Maya Angelou someone could interpreted the poem different than me depending on their perspective. Personally, I think that the poem is describing a woman that is confident in herself and does not care what anyone else says."Cause I'm a woman, Phenomenally, Phenomenal, That's me."  My favorite song is Beautiful by Christina Aguilera which mean everyone is beautiful in their own way despite their sexuality, or how they look. " You are beautiful in every single way.."." I feel like Maya was describing herself and not trying to up bring women. But with her kind of role model figure people interpreted as if she was describing how black women are. Sadie said "Action speaks louder then words, and images are sometimes better then words. I know when I look at an image I can see the words throughout the image and sometimes predict what happens.Like Maya Angelou poem "Phenomenal Woman" I can see a woman that is strong and is well smart about what she do." I agree with her that actions speak louder than words. I'm like like her though and can predict what happened in the picture without words.

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