Thursday, February 11, 2016

Post 9 response to 2 colleague's view of setting.

Shawnise said "Krebs town is very small and not a lot of things happen there. The rest of the story explains how Krebs just wants to relax and be to himself because he has had too much excitement during WWI." She didn't get the point that his time being over seas fighting is what caused him to come back the way he is. He is very paranoid and his family doesn't see why he is acting different. When you have seen enough of the blood, guts and dead people it all takes a toll on you after the fact. He realized after the lies he told people back home how much of a toll it took on him. He thinks no one really knows what they go through. Jaylen said in her blog "in "Geese"the symbolism in the setting in Japan was that Dina was out of touched with reality and she did not think about what you have to do or go through to get a pile of money. She did not have any type of plan before she left her hometown which left Dina in a world of trouble." She understood the meaning behind the story but didn't say much about the setting.

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